Uses of Class

Packages that use ApplContext Business objects (BO) All classes in the package are presistent.   
net.ponec.jworksheet.core Core of the application 
net.ponec.jworksheet.gui Graphical components contains: main window, dialogs, sub-packages contain a component models. 
net.ponec.jworksheet.gui.models Report clasess 

Uses of ApplContext in

Methods in with parameters of type ApplContext
 java.lang.String Parameters.getDateFormat(UjoProperty<Parameters,java.lang.String> property, ApplContext context)
          Returns a localized date format

Uses of ApplContext in

Methods in with parameters of type ApplContext
 java.lang.String YearMonthDay.toString(ApplContext context)
          Get Localized String to GUI.

Uses of ApplContext in net.ponec.jworksheet.core

Methods in net.ponec.jworksheet.core that return ApplContext
 ApplContext Calculator.getApplContext()
          An application context

Methods in net.ponec.jworksheet.core with parameters of type ApplContext
static SysTray SysTray.getInstance(ApplContext applContext)
          Returns an instance or null.
 void SysTray.init(ApplContext applContext)
 void SysTray6.init(ApplContext applContext)
 void Calculator.init(ApplContext applContext, YearMonthDay dateFrom, YearMonthDay dateTo, java.lang.String reportTitle)
          An general initializaton
static void ApplTools.setCursorWait(boolean aWait, ApplContext context)
          Change cursor.

Uses of ApplContext in net.ponec.jworksheet.gui

Fields in net.ponec.jworksheet.gui declared as ApplContext
protected  ApplContext TopDialog.applContext
protected  ApplContext TopFrame.applContext

Constructors in net.ponec.jworksheet.gui with parameters of type ApplContext
BrowserDialog(ApplContext aContext, java.lang.String initValue)
          Creates new form ReportDialog
DateDialog(ApplContext aContext)
          Creates new form ReportDialog
JWorkSheet(ApplContext anApplContext, java.lang.Throwable error)
          Creates new form JWorkSheet
ReportDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, ApplContext aContext)
          Creates new form ReportDialog
TopDialog(ApplContext aContext)
          Creates new form TopDialog
TopFrame(ApplContext applContext)
          Creates a new instance of TopFrame

Uses of ApplContext in net.ponec.jworksheet.gui.component

Methods in net.ponec.jworksheet.gui.component with parameters of type ApplContext
 void UjoTable.enableSorting(ApplContext context)
          Set a sorter for change columns order.

Uses of ApplContext in net.ponec.jworksheet.gui.models

Fields in net.ponec.jworksheet.gui.models declared as ApplContext
protected  ApplContext EventTableModel.applContext
          Application workSpace
protected  ApplContext CommonTableRenderer.context

Constructors in net.ponec.jworksheet.gui.models with parameters of type ApplContext
CommonTableRenderer(ApplContext context)
          Creates a new instance of EventTableRenderer
EventTableModel(ApplContext applContext)
          Creates a new instance of UjoTableModel
EventTableRenderer(ApplContext context)
          Creates a new instance of EventTableRenderer
ParamTableModel(Parameters params, ApplContext applContext)
          Creates a new instance of ParamTableModel
ProjectTableModel(ApplContext applContext)
          Creates a new instance of UjoTableModel
TaskTableModel(ApplContext applContext)
          Creates a new instance of TaskTableModel

Uses of ApplContext in

Fields in declared as ApplContext
protected  ApplContext SuperReport.applContext
          An application context

Methods in that return ApplContext
 ApplContext SuperReport.getApplContext()
          An application context

Methods in with parameters of type ApplContext
 void ReportTab.init(ApplContext applContext, YearMonthDay dateFrom, YearMonthDay dateTo, java.lang.String reportTitle)
 void SuperReport.init(ApplContext applContext, YearMonthDay dateFrom, YearMonthDay dateTo, java.lang.String reportTitle)
          General initialization, calculate all report.

Constructors in with parameters of type ApplContext
TableReport(ApplContext context)

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